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A „catalogue“ of similarities and differences among Euro-Mediterranean bioethical traditions

The first mention of „bioethics“ in scientific literature1976 (F. Abel)?1973 (M. Torchio)1985 (V. Pozaić) 
The beginnings of bioethics were influenced by…Catholic Church (Jesuits)Scientist (biologist)- layperson (M. Torchio)Catholic Church (Jesuits)Orthodox Church?
Original import of bioethicsGeorgetownPotter (M. Torchio), otherwise GeorgetownGeorgetown (I. Šegota) or Georgetown via Rome (V. Pozaić) 
Most influential pioneers of bioethicsF. Abel (theologian/physician, Jesuit), J. Gafo (theologian, Jesuit), D. Gracia (philosopher, physician), etc.E. Sgreccia (Jesuit, cardinal)I. Šegota (Marxist politologist), A. Čović (Marxist ethicist), V. Pozaić (Jesuit, bishop) 
Dominant  stream in present-day bioethicsBoth Catholic Church and laypersons (D. Gracia and others)Catholic ChurchLaypersons (integrative and European bioethics)Orthodox Church?
Other important streamsM. G. Gómez-Heras (eco-ethics) N. Visković (laywer) 
The first mention/s of Fritz Jahr2015 (R. A. Roa-Castellanos & E. Valenti; F. Leyton)2010 (A. Spagnolo)2008 (H.-M. Sass)2012 (Eleni Kalokairinou)?
Major promoters of Potter’s (global) bioethicsM. PalaciosB. Chiarelli; M. Gensabella; G. RussoI. Šegota 
Major promoters of European bioethicsC. Velayos; F. Leyton; M. J. López Baroni, R. M. NoguésL. BattagliaIntegrative Bioethics school Social Ecology school (Zagreb); Fritz Jahr Centre (Rijeka); Centre of Integrative Bioethics (Split) 
Are there any „professional bioethicists“?  One in Rijeka (at Clinical Hospital Centre), no information about other cities 
What is the role of the National Bioethics Committee (NBC)?  NBC („Nacionalno bioetičko povjerenstvo za medicinu“) was founded in 2001 by the Government with the task of bringing opinions, directives, recommendations, etc. In mostly biomedical issues (euthanasia, cloning, etc.), but also with respect to bioethical education and medical deontology. After 4-5 years, the NBC fell into oblivion. 
Major explicitely bioethical journals  Jahr – European Journal of Bioethics (since 2010, twice a year) 
Major explicitely bioethical book series  Bioetika (Pergamena, Zagreb; 47 titles since 1997) 
Major features of systematic bioethical education  

BEAGLE: Bioethical Education and Attitude Guidance for Living Environment (https://beagleproject.eu/educational-resources/


Is there a MA/MSc or PhD programme in bioethics?  NOPostgraduate Studies in bioetics in Crete (http://ww2.fks.uoc.gr/_/pw/en/postgraduate/); MA in Animal Welfare, Ethics and the Law (https://animalethics-en.philosophy.uoa.gr/)
1st PhD Thesis on bioethics  Nada Gosić (1999.) 
National research projects devoted to bioethics  EuroBioMed (2014.-2017.; CSF); EuroBioMed (2021.-2024.; CSF) 
The first mention of „bioethics“ in scientific literature1976 (F. Abel)?1973 (M. Torchio)1985 (V. Pozaić)1994   Ismini Kriari(EmeritusProf. of Constitutional Law, Panteion University of Athens).
The beginnings of bioethics were influenced by…Catholic Church (Jesuits)Scientist (biologist)- layperson (M. Torchio)Catholic Church (Jesuits)

Greek Law  (Em. Prof. Ismini Kriari) and

Greek Orthodox Church

Original import of bioethicsGeorgetownPotter (M. Torchio), otherwise GeorgetownGeorgetown (I. Šegota) or Georgetown via Rome (V. Pozaić)

Ismini Kriari (Panteion University of Athens), Myrto Dragona (Emeritus Professor of the University of Crete and the University of Athens- Ancient Philosophy and Moral Philosophy) Eleni Kalokairinou (President of the Hellenic Philosophical Society, Former Professor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki),

Stavroula Tsinorema (Professor of the University of Crete), Miltiades Vantsos (Professor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki- Christian Ethics).

Most influential pioneers of bioethicsF. Abel (theologian/physician, Jesuit), J. Gafo (theologian, Jesuit), D. Gracia (philosopher, physician), etc.E. Sgreccia (Jesuit, cardinal)I. Šegota (Marxist politologist), A. Čović (Marxist ethicist), V. Pozaić (Jesuit, bishop)

Prof. Ismini Kriari (Law), Myrto Dragona (Moral Philosoophy),

Eleni Kalokairinou (Moral Philosophy), Stavroula Tsinorema (Moral Philosophy), Miltiades Vantsos (Christian Ethics),  Evangelos Protopapadakis, Assoc. Professor of the University of Athens (Moral Philosophy, Applied Ethics).

Dominant  stream in present-day bioethicsBoth Catholic Church and laypersons (D. Gracia and others)Catholic ChurchLaypersons (integrative and European bioethics)

Legal Approach,

Philosophical Approaches (Kantian ethics and Utilitarianism),

Miltiades Vantsos (Christian Ethics).

Other important streamsM. G. Gómez-Heras (eco-ethics)   
The first mention/s of Fritz Jahr2015 (R. A. Roa-Castellanos & E. Valenti; F. Leyton)2010 (A. Spagnolo)2008 (H.-M. Sass)2012 (Eleni Kalokairinou)
Major promoters of Potter’s (global) bioethicsM. PalaciosB. Chiarelli; M. Gensabella; G. RussoI. Šegota 
Major promoters of European bioethicsC. Velayos; F. Leyton; M. J. López Baroni, R. M. NoguésL. BattagliaIntegrative Bioethics school Social Ecology school (Zagreb); Fritz Jahr Centre (Rijeka); N. Visković Centre (Split)Eleni Kalokairinou, Miltiades Vantsos.
Are there any „professional bioethicists“?  One in Rijeka (at Clinical Hospital Centre), no information about other cities 
What is the role of the National Bioethics Committee (NBC)?  NBC („Nacionalno bioetičko povjerenstvo za medicinu“) was founded in 2001 by the Government with the task of bringing opinions, directives, recommendations, etc. In mostly biomedical issues (euthanasia, cloning, etc.), but also with respect to bioethical education and medical deontology. After 4-5 years, the NBC fell into oblivion.National Committee of Bioethics and Technoethics. It advises the state in relation to the developments of the Sciences of Life and the new technologies more generally.
Major explicitely bioethical journals  Jahr – European Journal of Bioethics (since 2010, twice a year)Bioethica, (publication of the National Committee of Bioethics and Technoethics, since 2004, twice a year).
Major exlicitely bioethical book series  Bioetika (Pergamena, Zagreb; 42 titles since 1997)Βιοηθικοί προβληματισμοί, εκδόσεις Παπαζήσης, Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη (Bioethical Problems, Papazissis Publications, Athens and Thessaloniki, since
Major features of systematic bioethical education  Guć: project? 
Is there a MA/MSc or PhD programme in bioethics?  NO

MA in Bioethics, University of Crete since 2002,

PhD in Bioethics University of Crete, under the direction of Professor Stavroula Tsinorema.

MA in Animals’ Welfare, Ethics and the Law, University of Athens, under the direction of Prof. Evangelos Protopapadakis

Ovaj projekt (IP-2020-02-7450) financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost.