Few words

About the project


Few words about the project

For several years, a tendency is present of continental, regional, and even national defining and developing of bioethical ideas („European Bioethics,” „East-Asian Bioethics,“ „Bosnian Bioethics,“ etc.), often aiming at differentiation with respect to the dominant and narrowed-down bioethical paradigm (actually, of biomedical ethics) as promoted by the most of Anglo-American institutions since 1970s. Basing on certain initiatives in Spain, Italy, and Croatia, trying to conceive a „Mediterranean Bioethics,“ the main goal of the proposed project is to analyse similarities and differences among bioethical traditions within the Euro-Mediterranean region.


The theoretical analysis will be supported by empirical research finally aiming to form a common Euro-Mediterranean platform. The following methods will be applied: critical comparative analysis of published texts on the history of bioethics in Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, etc.; comparison of the the existing ideas based upon the principles of the Integrative-Bioethics pluriperspectivism using different forms of workshops/conferences;surveys investigating attitudes related to „Bioethical Standards“ (the result of the research project „European Bioethics in Action – EuroBioAct,“ CSF, 2014-2017, PI A. Muzur) – a quantitative empirical research on a sample of students from medical, theological, law, and philosophical faculties in Messina, Thessaloniki, Rijeka, Zagreb, Split, and Barcelona; the continuous open method of coordination: the interactive website with databases related to similarities and differences among traditions, attitudes, thinkers, and projects, to be a sustainable model of dialogue, co-operation, and action („Euro-Mediterranean Bioethical Platform“). The expected results: the detection of similarities and differences among bioethical traditions of the Euro-Mediterranean region, a joint charter of bioethical standards, an interactive website with databases.

This project (IP-2020-02-7450) is fully supported by Croatian Science Foundation.